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Cyber Crime Police Station
Start Date: 01-02-2021
End Date: 31-07-2021
The Cyber Crime Police Station of Jharkhand Police was inaugurated on 21st March 2016 by the honorable DGP, Jharkhand. It deals with serious and complicated Cybercrimes, which ...
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Santanu Datta 3 years 11 months ago
Pubic should be educated about cyber crime.
Nasim Kutchi 3 years 11 months ago
It is really a great job from the government of jharkhand as well as the administration of police department regarding there work responsibilities, I appreciate all of them for good and better work, my suggestion and ideas for them is If they can take of the the senior citizen as well as the handicapped who are crossing roads I salute them apart from this related to cyber crime I think so there eyes and ears are always opened, thanks to the cyber cell for there best and good performance